Gurmmeet Singh is a young veteran having completed more than two decades in the Indian Film and TV industry. His first short film, ‘Fear This’ was selected into the Digital Talkies International Film Festival in 2001 which featured films from across the globe. In 2003, Gurmmeet began his journey in Indian film industry as an assistant director working on acclaimed films like, ‘Gandhi My Father’, ‘Don’ & Jodhaa Akbar. Over the next couple of years, he continued to write, direct, produce and edit 16 other short films that travelled and featured at various film festivals across the world.
Gurmmeet Singh made his debut in direction with India’s first underwater 3D film, ‘Warning’ starring Varun Sharma & Manjari Fadnis in 2013
Having experience in various films & tv formats it was a natural progression to dive into the latest medium, the OTT platform. Gurmmeet Singh was the Co-Producer & Episodic Director for India’s first Amazon Prime Video Original ‘Inside Edge’ for two season, which later went on to receive its first nomination in the international Emmys. He then went on to direct 2 seasons of the hugely popular show, ‘Mirzapur’.
Gurmmeet Singh has now completed his feature film, ‘Phone Bhoot’, starring Siddhant Chaturvedi, Ishaan Khatter & Katrina Kaif released in 2022.